simplelife cashflow

Draw a graph of liability cashflows of a simple whole life policy

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Started loading data from 'input.xlsx'.
Loading PolicyData...Done. (0.59secs)
Loading MortalityTables...Done. (0.28secs)
Loading ProductSpec...Done. (0.26secs)
Loading OtherParam1...Done. (0.23secs)
Loading OtherParams2...Done. (0.35secs)
Loading Assumption...Done. (0.26secs)
Loading AssumptionTables...Done. (0.24secs)
Loading Scenarios...Done. (0.27secs)
Input space and its sub spaces are saved in '[project name].mx'.
You can load input data from the saved file instead of 'input.xlsx'
by passing 'load_saved=True' to function.

import pandas as pd
import modelx as mx

import seaborn as sns

    import simplelife.simplelife as simplelife
except ImportError:
    import simplelife

polid = 171
proj =[polid]

# Draw NetCashflows Graph
data = {'NetCashflows': [proj.NetInsurCF[t] for t in range(50)]}
ax = pd.DataFrame(data).plot.line(marker='o', color='r')

# Draw componets of net cashflows

vars = ['PremIncome',

df = proj.cells[vars].to_frame(range(50))

df[vars[1:]] = df[vars[1:]].mul(-1)   # Change outflows to negatives
df.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, ax=ax, title='Insurance Cashflows')

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 4.000 seconds)

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