
av_at(t, timing)[source]

Account value in-force

av_at(t, timing) calculates the total amount of account value at time t for the policies represented by a model point.

At each t, the events that change the account value balance occur in the following order:

  • Maturity

  • New business and premium payment

  • Fee deduction

The second parameter timing takes a string to indicate the timing of the account value, which is either "BEF_MAT", "BEF_NB" or "BEF_FEE".


The amount of account value before maturity, defined as:

av_pp_at(t, "BEF_PREM") * pols_if_at(t, "BEF_MAT")


The amount of account value before new business after maturity, defined as:

av_pp_at(t, "BEF_PREM") * pols_if_at(t, "BEF_NB")


The amount of account value before lapse and death after new business, defined as:

av_pp_at(t, "BEF_FEE") * pols_if_at(t, "BEF_DECR")