"""Source module to create ``Policy`` space from.
This module is a source module to create ``Policy`` space and its
sub spaces from.
The formulas of the cells in the ``Policy`` space are created from the
functions defined in this module.
The ``Policy`` space is the base space of the policy spaces
for individual policies, which are derived from and belong to
the ``Policy`` space as its dynamic child spaces.
The policy spaces for individual policies are parametrized by ``PolicyID``.
For example, to get the policy space of the policy whose ID is 171::
>> pol = model.Policy(171)
The cells in a policy space for each individual policy retrieve
input data, calculate and hold values of policy attributes specific to that policy,
so various spaces in :mod:`Input<simplelife.build_input>` must be accessible
from the ``Policy`` space.
.. rubric:: Project Templates
This module is included in the following project templates.
* :mod:`simplelife`
* :mod:`nestedlife`
.. rubric:: Space Parameters
PolicyID: Policy ID
.. rubric:: References in Base
PolicyData: Input.PolicyData
ProductSpec: Input.ProductSpec
LifeTable: LifeTable
Gen: Generation key
.. rubric:: References in Sub
Product: Product key
PolicyType: Policy type key
Gen: Generation key
Channel: Channel key
Sex: ``M`` for Male, ``F`` for Female
Duration: Number of years lapsed. 0 for new business
IssueAge: Issue age
PremFreq: Number of premium payments per year. 12 for monthly payments
PolicyTerm: Policy term in year
PolicyCount: Number of policies
SumAssured: Sum Assured per policy
# Policy Attributes
policy_attrs = ['Product',
# 'WholeTermPaymentFlag',
# 'PremTerm',
# 'PremMode',
# 'WholeLifeFlag',
# 'MaxTerm',
# 'GrossPremMult']
[docs]def IntRate(RateBasis):
"""Interest Rate"""
if RateBasis == 'PREM':
int_rate = ProductSpec.IntRatePrem
elif RateBasis == 'VAL':
int_rate = ProductSpec.IntRateVal
raise ValueError('invalid RateBasis')
result = int_rate.match(Product, PolicyType, Gen).value
if result is not None:
return result
raise ValueError('invalid RateBais')
[docs]def TableID(RateBasis):
"""Mortality Table ID"""
if RateBasis == 'PREM':
mort_table = ProductSpec.MortTablePrem
elif RateBasis == 'VAL':
mort_table = ProductSpec.MortTableVal
raise ValueError('invalid RateBasis')
result = mort_table.match(Product, PolicyType, Gen).value
if result is not None:
return result
raise ValueError('invalid RateBais')
[docs]def LoadAcqSA():
"""Acquisition Loading per Sum Assured"""
param1 = ProductSpec.LoadAcqSAParam1(Product)
param2 = ProductSpec.LoadAcqSAParam2(Product)
return param1 + param2 * min(PolicyTerm / 10, 1)
[docs]def LoadMaintPrem():
"""Maintenance Loading per Gross Premium"""
if ProductSpec.LoadMaintPremParam1(Product) is not None:
return ProductSpec.LoadMaintPremParam1(Product)
elif ProductSpec.LoadMaintPremParam2(Product) is not None:
param = ProductSpec.LoadMaintPremParam2(Product)
return (param + min(10, PolicyTerm)) / 100
raise ValueError('LoadMaintPrem parameters not found')
[docs]def LoadMaintPremWaiverPrem():
"""Maintenance Loading per Gross Premium for Premium Waiver"""
if PremTerm < 5:
return 0.0005
elif PremTerm < 10:
return 0.001
return 0.002
[docs]def LoadMaintSA():
"""Maintenance Loading per Sum Assured during Premium Payment"""
result = ProductSpec.LoadMaintSA.match(Product, PolicyType, Gen).value
if result is not None:
return result
raise ValueError('lookup failed')
[docs]def LoadMaintSA2():
"""Maintenance Loading per Sum Assured after Premium Payment"""
result = ProductSpec.LoadMaintSA2.match(Product, PolicyType, Gen).value
if result is not None:
return result
raise ValueError('lookup failed')
[docs]def InitSurrCharge():
"""Initial Surrender Charge Rate"""
param1 = ProductSpec.SurrChargeParam1.match(Product, PolicyType, Gen).value
param2 = ProductSpec.SurrChargeParam2.match(Product, PolicyType, Gen).value
if param1 is None or param2 is None:
raise ValueError('SurrChargeParam not found')
return param1 + param2 * min(PolicyTerm / 10, 1)
[docs]def NetPremRate(basis):
"""Net Premium Rate"""
gamma2 = LoadMaintSA2
comf = LifeTable[Sex, IntRate(basis), TableID(basis)]
if Product == 'TERM' or Product == 'WL':
return (comf.Axn(x, n) + gamma2 * comf.AnnDuenx(x, n - m, 1, m)) / comf.AnnDuenx(x, n)
elif Product == 'ENDW':
return (comf.Axn(x, n) + gamma2 * comf.AnnDuenx(x, n - m, 1, m)) / comf.AnnDuenx(x, n)
raise ValueError('invalid product')
[docs]def GrossPremRate():
"""Gross Premium Rate per Sum Assured per payment"""
alpha = LoadAcqSA
beta = LoadMaintPrem
gamma = LoadMaintSA
gamma2 = LoadMaintSA2
delta = LoadMaintPremWaiverPrem
comf = LifeTable[Sex, IntRate('PREM'), TableID('PREM')]
if Product == 'TERM' or Product == 'WL':
return (comf.Axn(x, n) + alpha + gamma * comf.AnnDuenx(x, n, PremFreq)
+ gamma2 * comf.AnnDuenx(x, n - m, 1, m)) / (1 - beta - delta) / PremFreq / comf.AnnDuenx(x, m, PremFreq)
elif Product == 'ENDW':
return (comf.Exn(x, n) + comf.Axn(x, n) + alpha + gamma * comf.AnnDuenx(x, n, PremFreq)
+ gamma2 * comf.AnnDuenx(x, n - m, 1, m)) / (1 - beta - delta) / PremFreq / comf.AnnDuenx(x, m, PremFreq)
raise ValueError('invalid product')
[docs]def AnnPremRate():
"""Annualized Premium Rate per Sum Assured"""
return GrossPremRate * (1 / 10 if PremFreq == 0 else PremFreq)
[docs]def GrossPremTable():
"""Gross premium table"""
return None
[docs]def ReserveNLP_Rate(basis, t):
"""Net level premium reserve rate"""
gamma2 = LoadMaintSA2
lt = LifeTable[Sex, IntRate(basis), TableID(basis)]
if t <= m:
return lt.Axn(x + t, n - t) + gamma2 * lt.AnnDuenx(x + t, n - m, 1, m - t) \
- NetPremRate(basis) * lt.AnnDuenx(x + t, m - t)
return lt.Axn(x + t, n - t) + gamma2 * lt.AnnDuenx(x + t, n - m, 1, m - t)
[docs]def ReserveRate():
"""Valuation Reserve Rate per Sum Assured"""
return None
[docs]def SurrCharge(t):
"""Surrender Charge Rate per Sum Assured"""
return InitSurrCharge * max((min(m, 10) - t) / min(m, 10), 0)
[docs]def CashValueRate(t):
"""Cash Value Rate per Sum Assured"""
return max(ReserveNLP_Rate('PREM', t) - SurrCharge(t), 0)
[docs]def UernPremRate():
"""Unearned Premium Rate"""
return None