Source code for simplelife.assumption
"""Source module to create ``Assumption`` space from.
This module is a source module to create ``Assumption`` space and its
sub spaces from.
The formulas of the cells in the ``Assumption`` space are created from the
functions defined in this module.
The ``Assumption`` space is the base space of the assumption spaces
for individual policies, which are derived from and belong to
the ``Assumption`` space as its dynamic child spaces.
The assumption spaces for individual policies are parametrized by ``PolicyID``.
For example, to get the assumption space of the policy whose ID is 171::
>> asmp = model.Assumption(171)
The cells in an assumption space for each individual policy retrieve
input data, calculate and hold values of assumptions specific to that policy,
so various spaces in :mod:`Input<simplelife.build_input>` must be accessible
from the ``Assumption`` space.
.. rubric:: Project Templates
This module is included in the following project templates.
* :mod:`simplelife`
* :mod:`nestedlife`
.. rubric:: Referred Spaces
The ``Assumption`` space and its sub spaces depend of the following spaces.
See references sections below for aliases to those spaces and their members
that are referenced in the ``Assumption`` spaces.
* :mod:`Policy<simplelife.policy>` its sub spaces
* ``LifeTable`` in :mod:`Input<simplelife.build_input>`
* ``MortalityTables`` in :mod:`Input<simplelife.build_input>`
* ``Assumption`` in :mod:`Input<simplelife.build_input>`
.. rubric:: Space Parameters
PolicyID: Policy ID
.. rubric:: References in Base
asmp_tbl: ``AssumptionTables`` space in :mod:`Input<simplelife.build_input>` space
asmp: ``Assumption`` space in :mod:`Input<simplelife.build_input>` space
MortalityTables: ``MortalityTables`` space in :mod:`Input<simplelife.build_input>` space
.. rubric:: References in Sub
pol: Alias to :mod:`Policy[PolicyID]<simplelife.policy>`
prod: Alias to :attr:`Policy[PolicyID].Product<simplelife.policy.Product>`
polt: Alias to :attr:`Policy[PolicyID].PolicyType<simplelife.policy.PolicyType>`
gen: Alias to :attr:`Policy[PolicyID].Gen<simplelife.policy.Gen>`
policy_attrs = []
# #--- Mortality ---
[docs]def MortTable():
"""Mortality Table"""
result = asmp.BaseMort.match(prod, polt, gen).value
if result is not None:
return MortalityTables(result).MortalityTable
raise ValueError('MortTable not found')
[docs]def LastAge():
"""Age at which mortality becomes 1"""
x = 0
while True:
if BaseMortRate(x) == 1:
return x
x += 1
[docs]def BaseMortRate(x):
"""Bae mortality rate"""
return MortTable()(pol.Sex, x)
[docs]def MortFactor(y):
"""Mortality factor"""
table = asmp.MortFactor.match(prod, polt, gen).value
if table is None:
raise ValueError('MortFactor not found')
result = asmp_tbl.cells[table](y)
if result is None:
return MortFactor(y - 1)
return result
# --- Surrender Rates ---
[docs]def SurrRate(y):
"""Surrender Rate"""
table = asmp.Surrender.match(prod, polt, gen).value
if table is None:
raise ValueError('Surrender not found')
result = asmp_tbl.cells[table](y)
if result is None:
return SurrRate(y - 1)
return result
# --- Commissions ---
[docs]def CommInitPrem():
"""Initial commission per premium"""
result = asmp.CommInitPrem.match(prod, polt, gen).value
if result is not None:
return result
raise ValueError('CommInitPrem not found')
[docs]def CommRenPrem():
"""Renewal commission per premium"""
result = asmp.CommRenPrem.match(prod, polt, gen).value
if result is not None:
return result
raise ValueError('CommRenPrem not found')
[docs]def CommRenTerm():
"""Renewal commission term"""
result = asmp.CommRenTerm.match(prod, polt, gen).value
if result is not None:
return result
raise ValueError('CommRenTerm not found')
# # --- Expenses ---
[docs]def ExpsAcqSA():
"""Acquisition expense per sum assured"""
return asmp.ExpsAcqSA.match(prod, polt, gen).value
[docs]def ExpsAcqAnnPrem():
"""Acquisition expense per annualized premium"""
return asmp.ExpsAcqAnnPrem.match(prod, polt, gen).value
[docs]def ExpsAcqPol():
"""Acquisition expense per policy"""
return asmp.ExpsAcqPol.match(prod, polt, gen).value
[docs]def ExpsMaintSA():
"""Maintenance expense per sum assured"""
return asmp.ExpsMaintSA.match(prod, polt, gen).value
[docs]def ExpsMaintAnnPrem():
"""Maintenance expense per annualized premium"""
return asmp.ExpsMaintPrem.match(prod, polt, gen).value
[docs]def ExpsMaintPol():
"""Maintenance expense per policy"""
return asmp.ExpsMaintPol.match(prod, polt, gen).value
[docs]def CnsmpTax():
"""Consumption tax rate"""
return asmp.CnsmpTax()
[docs]def InflRate():
"""Inflation rate"""
return asmp.InflRate()