ifrs17sim CSM pattern

Draw a graph of CSM amortization pattern.

import modelx as mx

    import ifrs17sim.ifrs17sim as ifrs17sim
except ImportError:
    import ifrs17sim

def draw_bars(proj):
    liab = [proj.InnerProjection[t].pv_NetLiabilityCashflow[t] for t in range(10)]

    data = [proj.CSM_Unfloored(i) for i in range(10)]
    fg, ax = plt.subplots()

    draw_single_bar(liab, ax, -1)
    draw_single_bar(data, ax, +1)

def draw_single_bar(data, ax, n):
    width = 0.4
    ax.bar(np.arange(len(data))  + n * (width/2), data, width - 0.05)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns

    model = ifrs17sim.build()
    proj = model.OuterProjection[1]

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 22.356 seconds)

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