Source code for economic_curves.smith_wilson.smith_wilson_funcs
"""Smith-Wilson functions"""
import numpy as np
[docs]def SWCalibrate(r, M, ufr, alpha):
"""Calculate the calibration vector using a Smith-Wilson algorithm
b = SWCalibrate(r, T, ufr, alpha) calculates the vector b used for
interpolation and extrapolation of rates.
r: n x 1 ndarray of rates, for which you wish to calibrate the algorithm. Each rate belongs to an observable zero-coupon bond with a known maturity. Ex. r = [[0.0024], [0.0034]]
M: n x 1 ndarray of maturities of bonds, that have rates provided in input (r). Ex. u=[[1], [3]]
ufr: 1 x 1 floating number, representing the ultimate forward rate. Ex. ufr = 0.042
alpha: 1 x 1 floating number representing the convergence speed parameter alpha. Ex. alpha = 0.05
n x 1 ndarray array for the calibration vector needed to interpolate and extrapolate b = [[14], [-21]]
For more information see
C = np.identity(M.size)
p = (1+r) **(-M) # Transform rates to implied market prices of a ZCB bond
d = np.exp(-np.log(1+ufr) * M) # Calculate vector d described in paragraph 138
Q = np.diag(d) @ C # Matrix Q described in paragraph 139
q = C.transpose() @ d # Vector q described in paragraph 139
H = SWHeart(M, M, alpha) # Heart of the Wilson function from paragraph 132
return np.linalg.inv(Q.transpose() @ H @ Q) @ (p-q) # Calibration vector b from paragraph 149
[docs]def SWHeart(u, v, alpha):
"""Calculate the heart of the Wilson function.
H = SWHeart(u, v, alpha) calculates the matrix H (Heart of the Wilson
function) for maturities specified by vectors u and v. The formula is
taken from the EIOPA technical specifications paragraph 132.
u: n_1 x 1 vector of maturities. Ex. u = [1; 3]
v: n_2 x 1 vector of maturities. Ex. v = [1; 2; 3; 5]
alpha: 1 x 1 floating number representing the convergence speed parameter alpha. Ex. alpha = 0.05
n_1 x n_2 matrix representing the Heart of the Wilson function for selected maturities and parameter alpha.
H is calculated as in the paragraph 132 of the EIOPA documentation.
For more information see
u_Mat = np.tile(u, [v.size, 1]).transpose()
v_Mat = np.tile(v, [u.size, 1])
return 0.5 * (alpha * (u_Mat + v_Mat) + np.exp(-alpha * (u_Mat + v_Mat)) - alpha * np.absolute(
u_Mat - v_Mat) - np.exp(
-alpha * np.absolute(u_Mat - v_Mat))) # Heart of the Wilson function from paragraph 132