Gallery# savings Examples# Account value paths Account value paths Monte Carlo vs Black-Scholes-Merton Monte Carlo vs Black-Scholes-Merton Account value distribution Account value distribution Account value to number of policies Account value to number of policies Black-Scholes-Merton on dividend paying stock Black-Scholes-Merton on dividend paying stock Dynamic policy decrement Dynamic policy decrement economic Examples# Short rate paths Short rate paths Short rate mean and variance Short rate mean and variance Discount factor convergence Discount factor convergence fastlife Examples# Run this fastlife sample now! fastlife: Present values of net cashflows fastlife: Present values of net cashflows simplelife Examples# Run simplelife cashflow sample now! simplelife: present values of cashflows simplelife: present values of cashflows simplelife: cashflow simplelife: cashflow nestedlife Examples# nestedlife: Actual vs Estimated nestedlife: Actual vs Estimated nestedlife: Present value of cashflows nestedlife: Present value of cashflows ifrs17sim Examples# Run CSM waterfall sample now! Run IFRS17 Simulation (Baseline) now! Run IFRS17 Simulation (Lapse Scenario) now! ifrs17sim: CSM waterfall chart ifrs17sim: CSM waterfall chart ifrs17sim: IFRS balancesheet itms ifrs17sim: IFRS balancesheet itms IFRS waterfall chart IFRS waterfall chart solvency2 Examples# solvency2: cashflows solvency2: cashflows solvency2: Life SCR radar chart solvency2: Life SCR radar chart smithwilson Examples# Smith-Wilson extrapolation with various alphas Smith-Wilson extrapolation with various alphas Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery