{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# IFRS17 Simulation (Baseline)\n", "\n", "If you're viewing this page as a static HTML page on https://lifelib.io, the same contents are also available [here on binder] as Jupyter notebook executable online (it may take a while to load)\n", "\n", "To run this notebook and get all the outputs below, Go to the **Cell** menu above, and then click **Run All**.\n", "\n", "[here on binder]: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/fumitoh/lifelib/binder?filepath=lifelib%2Fprojects%2Fifrs17sim%2Fifrs17sim_charts_baseline.ipynb" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## About this notebook\n", "\n", "This noteook demonstrates the usage of [ifrs17sim] project in [lifelib], by building and running a model and drawing waterfall graphs that depict how balancesheet items change and cashflows emerge over one or multiple periods using cashflows of a single modelpoint.\n", "\n", "Those charts are:\n", "* Present value of expected cashflows\n", "* CSM amortization\n", "* Actual cashflows\n", "* IFRS17 Financial performance\n", "\n", "under the senario that actual cashflows are equal to expected. \n", "\n", "[ifrs17sim]: https://lifelib.io/projects/ifrs17sim.html\n", "[lifelib]: https://lifelib.io\n", "\n", "