Source code for smithwilson.model.SmithWilson

"""The main space in the Smith-Wilson model

``SmithWilson`` is the only space in the Smith-Wilson model.

The Smith-Wilson method is used for extrapolating risk-free interest rates under the Solvency II framework.
The method is described in
*"QIS 5 Risk-free interest rates – Extrapolation method"*,
a technical paper issued by CEIOPS (the predecessor of EIOPA).
The technical paper is available on `EIOPA's web site`_.
Cells in this space are named consistently
with the mathematical symbols in `the technical paper`_.

.. rubric:: References

    log: `log <>`_ function from `the standard math library`_
    exp: `exp <>`_ function from `the standard math library`_
    np: `Numpy`_ module
    N: Number of durations for which the observed spot rates are available
    spot_rates: List of the observed spot rates (annual compound)
    UFR: The ultimate forward rate (continuous compound)
    alpha: The convergence parameter :math:`\alpha`

.. _Numpy :

.. _EIOPA's web site:

.. _the technical paper:

.. _the standard math library:

from modelx.serialize.jsonvalues import *

_formula = None

_bases = []

_allow_none = None

_spaces = []

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cells

[docs]def u(i): """Time (:math:`u_i`) :func:`u` is a series of discrete time points. ``i`` is a 1-based index. By default, :func:`u` just returns ``i``. For i = 1, ..., :attr:`N`, :func:`u` corresponds to :math:`u_i` in `the technical paper`_, The time to maturities of the observed zero-coupon bond prices. :attr:`spot_rates`, the observed spot rates must exist at each ``u(i)`` from i = 1 to :attr:`N`. Note that :attr:`spot_rates` is 0-based, so the sport rate at ``u(i)`` is ``spot_rates[i-1]``. Args: i: The time index (1, 2, ...) """ return i
[docs]def m(i): """Observed zero-coupon bond prices at time :math:`u_i`. :func:`m` is calculated from :attr:`spot_rates` as :math:`(1 + spot\_rates[i-1])^{-u_i}` Args: i(int): Time index (1, 2, ..., :attr:`N`) """ return (1 + spot_rates[i-1]) ** (-u[i])
[docs]def mu(i): """Ultimate Forward Rate (UFR) discount factors :func:`mu` is defined as :math:`e^{-UFR\cdot u_i}`. Args: i(int): Time index (1, 2, ...) """ return exp(-UFR * u[i])
[docs]def W(i, j): """The Wilson functions. :func:`W` corresponds to formula (2) on page 16 in `the technical paper`_ defined as: .. math:: W(t, u_j)= \\ e^{-UFR\cdot (t+u_j)}\cdot \\ \left\{ \\ \\alpha\cdot\min(t, u_j) \\ -0.5\cdot e^{-\\alpha\cdot\max(t, u_j)}\cdot( \\ e^{\\alpha\cdot\min(t, u_j)} \\ -e^{-\\alpha\cdot\min(t, u_j)} \\ ) \\ \\right\} where :math:`t = u_i`. Args: i(int): Time index (1, 2, ..., :attr:`N`) j(int): Time index (1, 2, ..., :attr:`N`) """ t = u[i] uj = u[j] return exp(-UFR * (t+uj)) * ( alpha * min(t, uj) - 0.5 * exp(-alpha * max(t, uj)) * ( exp(alpha*min(t, uj)) - exp(-alpha*min(t, uj)) ))
[docs]def m_vector(): """The :func:`m` vector. :func:`m` as 1-dimensional :attr:`N` length numpy array. """ return np.array([m(i) for i in range(1, N+1)])
[docs]def mu_vector(): """The :func:`mu` vector. :func:`mu` as 1-dimensional :attr:`N` length numpy array. """ return np.array([mu(i) for i in range(1, N+1)])
[docs]def W_matrix(): """The :func:`W` matrix. :func:`W` as a 2-dimensional :attr:`N` x :attr:`N` numpy array. """ return np.array([[W(i, j) for j in range(1, N+1)] for i in range(1, N+1)])
[docs]def zeta_vector(): """The :func:`zeta` vector. :func:`zeta_vector` returns :math:`\zeta` parameters calculated by formula (5) on page 17 in `the technical paper`_, which is .. math:: \\bf \zeta= W^{-1}(p-\mu) """ return np.linalg.inv(W_matrix()) @ (m_vector() - mu_vector())
[docs]def zeta(i): """The :math:`\zeta_i` parameters fitted to the observed spot rates. Args: i(int): Time index (1, 2, ..., :attr:`N`) """ return zeta_vector()[i-1]
[docs]def P(i): """Zero-coupon bond prices extrapolated by the Smith-Wilson method. :func:`P` corresponds to formula (1) on page 16 or formula (6) on page 18 in `the technical paper`_, defined as: .. math:: P(t) = e^{-UFR\cdot t}+\sum_{j=1}^{N}\zeta_{j}\cdot W(t, u_j) substituting :math:`t` with :math:`u_i`. The values of :func:`P` for ``i=1, ..., N`` should be the same as the values of :func:`m`, the observed bond prices. Args: i(int): Time index (1, 2, ...) """ return mu(i) + sum(zeta(j) * W(i, j) for j in range(1, N+1))
[docs]def R(i): """The extrapolated annual compound sport rates. :func:`R` corresponds to :math:`R_t` defined as: .. math:: R_t = \left(\\frac{1}{P(t)}\\right)^\left(\\frac{1}{t}\\right)-1 on page 18 in `the technical paper`_, substituting :math:`t` with :math:`u_i`. The values of :func:`R` for ``i=1,...,N`` should be same as the values of the observed spot rates :attr:`spot_rates` for 0, ... ,N-1. Args: i(int): Time index (1, 2, ...) """ return (1 / P(i)) ** (1 / u(i)) - 1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # References np = ("Module", "numpy") log = ("Pickle", 2074070178376) exp = ("Pickle", 2074070177016) UFR = 0.028587456851912472 alpha = 0.128562 N = 25 spot_rates = ("Pickle", 2072439860616)