Source code for nestedlife.build_input

"""Module to create ``Input`` space and its child spaces from input data.

This module contains a function :py:func:`build_input`,
which creates "Input" space and its subspaces by reading
input data into them from an Excel file.

.. figure:: /images/input_tree.png
    :width: 50%

By default, :py:func:`build_input` reads data from *input.xlsm* in the
same folder as this module, and the structure of ``Input`` space is illustrated
by the diagram below.

.. figure:: /images/input_drawio.png
   :width: 50%

Below are descriptions of Input spaces and its subspaces.

    The parent module of all other input spaces.

    Some tables in *input.xlsm* are imported as cells directly under this space.

    The sample policy data read from *PolicyData* tab in *input.xlsm*.
    Records and fields of *PolicyData* represents policies and policy
    attributes respectively.
    Each record of *PolicyData* is accessible as a dynamic space under
    ``PolicyData`` space indexed by *Policy* column in the input table.
    Each field of a record is accessible as a scalar cells in the dynamic
    space corresponding to the record.

    For example::

        >>> model.Input.PolicyData[3].PolicyTerm()

    gives the value of the policy term of the policy record 3.

    The sample mortality tables read from *Mortality* tab.
    For Each mortality table, a dynamic space is created indexed
    by *TableID*, and `MortalityTable` cells indexed
    by ``Sex`` and ``Age`` is created in that space.

    The script below will return the mortality rate of Male, Age 41
    from the mortality table 3::

        >>> model.Input.MortalityTables[3].MortalityTable('M', 41)

    The sample product spec table read from *ProductSpec* tab.
    ``ProductSpec`` dynamic subspaces holds parameters to specify products
    as cells. The dynamic subspaces are indexed by ``Product``,
    ``PolType`` and ``Gen``, and
    each of the subspace has scalar cells defined by the columns
    of *ProductSpec* tab other than the index columns.

    Empty cells in the index columns are imported as ``None``.
    ``Cells.match`` method treats ``None`` as the wildcard when
    finding the closest matching indexes for the given arguments.

    The sample assumption table read from *Assumptions* tab.

    The ``Assumptions`` space has dynamic subspaces indexed by ``Product``,
    ``PolType`` and ``Gen``, each of which has scalar cells defined by the
    columns of *Assumptions* tab other than the index columns.

    Empty cells in the index columns are imported as ``None``.
    ``Cells.match`` method treats ``None`` as the wildcard when
    finding the closest matching indexes for the given arguments.

    The sample assumption table read from *AssumptionTables* tab.
    The tab holds assumptions by policy duration, such as mortality factors
    and lapse assumptions.

    Each assumption in the table is imported as a cells in the
    ``AssumptionTables`` space.

    The sample scenario table read from *Scenarios* tab.

import sys
import os.path as path
import time
from textwrap import dedent

default_input = path.join(path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)), 'input.xlsm')

class _PrintElapsedTime:

    def __init__(self):
        self.last_time = time.time()

    def set_start(self, msg):
        print(msg, end='', file=sys.stderr)
        self.last_time = time.time()

    def print_time(self, msg):
        this_time = time.time()
        print(msg, "({:.2f}secs)".format(this_time - self.last_time),
        self.last_time = this_time

[docs]def build_input(model, input_file=default_input): """Create "Input" space and its sub spaces by reading data from an Excel file into it. This function creates a space named "Input" under ``model``, reads tables from ``input_file`` into cells and subspaces under the "Input" space. By default, this function assumes reading data from *input.xlsm* located in the same folder as this module. Args: model: Model object in which 'Input' space is created. input_file(str): Path to the Excel input file. """ inp = model.new_space(name='Input') inp.allow_none = True print_time = True print("Started loading data from 'input.xlsm'.", file=sys.stderr) if print_time: timestamp = _PrintElapsedTime() timestamp.set_start('Loading PolicyData...') policydata = inp.new_space_from_excel( book=input_file, range_='B7:O307', sheet='PolicyData', name='PolicyData', names_row=0, param_cols=[0], space_param_order=[0], cells_param_order=[]) if print_time: timestamp.print_time('Done.') timestamp.set_start('Loading MortalityTables...') mortbl = inp.new_space_from_excel( book=input_file, range_='E4:Q137', sheet='Mortality', name='MortalityTables', names_row=0, param_cols=[0], names_col=0, param_rows=[1, 2], space_param_order=[1], cells_param_order=[2, 0]) if print_time: timestamp.print_time('Done.') timestamp.set_start('Loading ProductSpec...') prodspec = inp.new_space(name='ProductSpec') prodspec.new_cells_from_excel( book=input_file, range_='B7:V22', sheet='ProductSpec', names_row=0, param_cols=[0, 1, 2], param_order=[0, 1, 2]) if print_time: timestamp.print_time('Done.') timestamp.set_start('Loading OtherParam1...') inp.new_cells_from_excel( book=input_file, range_='G6:H9', sheet='OtherParams', names_row=0, param_cols=[0], param_order=[0]) if print_time: timestamp.print_time('Done.') timestamp.set_start('Loading OtherParams2...') inp.new_cells_from_excel( book=input_file, range_='V6:W9', sheet='OtherParams', names_row=0, param_cols=[0], param_order=[0]) if print_time: timestamp.print_time('Done.') timestamp.set_start('Loading Assumptions...') asmp = inp.new_space(name='Assumptions') asmp.new_cells_from_excel( book=input_file, range_='B7:T17', sheet='Assumptions', names_row=0, param_cols=[0, 1, 2], param_order=[0, 1, 2]) if print_time: timestamp.print_time('Done.') timestamp.set_start('Loading AssumptionTables...') asmptbls = inp.new_space(name='AssumptionTables') asmptbls.new_cells_from_excel( book=input_file, range_='B7:J27', sheet='AssumptionTables', names_row=0, param_cols=[0], param_order=[0]) if print_time: timestamp.print_time('Done.') timestamp.set_start('Loading Scenarios...') scenarios = inp.new_space_from_excel( book=input_file, range_='A3:C1513', sheet='Scenarios', name='Scenarios', names_row=0, param_cols=[0, 1], space_param_order=[0], cells_param_order=[1]) if print_time: timestamp.print_time('Done.') print(dedent("""\ Input space and its sub spaces are saved in ''. You can load input data from the saved file instead of 'input.xlsx' by passing 'load_saved=True' to function."""), file=sys.stderr) return inp